AZ-Ranch Duck Eggs Facts

Curious about our amazing duck eggs? Not only do they taste richer and creamier than chicken eggs, but they’ve got a whole lot going on that make them a healthy choice for us to eat!

Duck eggs stay fresher longer, due to their thicker shell. They’ll last about one month from the time we wash them! Duck eggs are richer with more albumen and have 30% more protein than chicken eggs, which makes cakes and pastries fluffier when baking with duck eggs! Duck eggs have more Omega-3 fatty acids. Due to their completely different protein structure, many people who cannot eat chicken eggs due to allergies can  eat duck eggs.

Our free-range ducks eat a diet that is 75% organic greens coming from our farm (including microgreens and produce, just like we eat!) and 25% an organic no-corn no-soy feed that we purchase to make sure they have a healthy diet. Our ducks are the happiest, healthiest ducks around!

Duck Egg Nutrition Facts

Duck eggs are rich in various nutrients and low in calories. The calories in each duck egg come to just 6 percent of your daily value (DV) of calories: a total of 130 calories per 70-gram egg.

Duck eggs are considered to be a good source of protein for vegetarians especially, with each egg giving you 18 percent of the DV for protein. Duck eggs are rich in omega fatty acids and low in carbohydrates. In each duck egg (70 grams), you can also find a variety of vitamins:

  • Vitamin A: 9 percent of the DV

  • Vitamin B1 (thiamin): 7 percent of the DV

  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 17 percent of the DV

  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid): 13 percent of the DV

  • Vitamin B9 (folate): 14 percent of the DV

  • Vitamin B12: 63 percent of the DV

  • Vitamin E: 5 percent of the DV

  • Iron: 15 percent of the DV

  • Phosphorus: 15 percent of the DV

  • Zinc: 7 percent of the DV

  • Selenium: 36 percent of the DV

  • Choline (33 percent of the DV) 

Alex Zadeh